


Boyle County Public Library Special Collections & Archives

Our Special Collections has an emphasis on Danville, Boyle County, and its surrounding counties, as well as Kentucky history and Kentucky’s role in history. Our collection includes memorabilia, personal writings, photographs, family histories, books, and maps.

The Special Collections room is available Monday - Friday from 9:30 am - 5:30 pm.  If an item lists its Physical Location as "Archived - schedule appointment to view" email storycenter@boylepublib.org

Appointments can also be made during other library hours, but staff must have 3-days notice. 


Memory Lab

The Memory Lab is a grant-funded program that enables people to digitize and preserve their histories. It’s a Do-It-Yourself model, meaning step-by-step instructions are provided, but you control the process from start to finish. You bring your materials and a storage device and we provide the equipment and instructions.  Headphones are not provided for audio/visual materials, patrons may bring in their own or purchase them for $1 at the library.

What makes up the library’s Memory Lab? Equipment and information for conversion of analog formats to digital. The Lab can currently support the following formats: VHS, cassette tapes, 8mm film, Super 8 film, vinyl records, photographs, negatives, and slides. Community members will need to take a 30-minute training session and will then be able to reserve time in the lab in three-hour blocks.  Appointments must be made 24 hours in advance.  To schedule an appointment email storycenter@boylepublib.org

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Answers to quick library questions can be answered on live chat during library hours. 

Library Hours

 Monday 9:30 am-5:30 pm
 Tuesday 9:30 am-8:00 pm
 Wednesday 9:30 am-5:30 pm
 Thursday 9:30 am-8:00 pm
 Friday 9:30 am-5:30 pm
 Saturday 10:00 am-5:00 pm
 Sunday Closed