Browse Items
- 1800s
- 1985
- 19th century
- 1st Christian
- 1st Church of God
- 3rd Street
- 4th of July
- A B Coyle Memorial
- ABC Grill
- Abraham Lincoln
- abstract
- abstracts
- Ace Billiards
- acrylic paintings
- activities
- actors
- Admiral Stadium
- Admirals
- Adolph Rupp
- Aepyornis
- aerial
- Aerospace Travel
- Aeschnogomphus
- Afghanistan
- African Americans
- Africans
- agricultural
- agriculture
- airplanes
- Alaska
- Albert Einstein
- Alcock
- Alum Springs
- American Iguana
- Ammonite
- amphibians
- Anaconda
- Anchor clubs
- animals
- announcements
- annuals
- Apatosaurus
- Aphrodite
- Archaeotherium Megalochoerus zygomaticus
- Argentum Kentucky
- Argillite Kentucky
- Argyle
- Armored Fish
- Arrowhead Farm
- art
- Assembly of God
- auctions
- auditoriums
- Audubon
- Australia
- automobiles
- autumn
- Awards
- babies
- Baers
- balloons
- Bambi
- Bambiraptor Feinbergi
- Bamboo
- band competitions
- bands
- banks
- Banquets
- Baptist Churches
- Baptists
- barber shops
- Barbers
- Barbie Doll
- Bardstown
- barns
- bars
- baseball
- baseball coaches
- baseballs
- basketballs
- Bate
- batik
- baton Twirlers
- battlefield
- bazaar
- Bean supper
- bears
- Beaumont Inn
- beauty contests
- Beauty Shops
- beaver
- beef
- Benjamin Franklin
- Bennet's Mill Covered Bridge
- Benny Powell
- Bethel
- bibles
- Bicentennial
- bicycles
- bikes
- Bill Wise
- birches
- birds
- Birney
- birthing rooms
- Blacks
- Bladestown Kentucky
- Blaine Creek
- blankets
- blown glass
- bluegrass
- Board of Education
- boas
- boats
- bones
- bonfires
- books
- bouqets
- bourbon
- Bourbon County Kentucky
- Bowlarama
- bowls
- Boy Scouts
- Boyle
- Boyle County
- Boyle County High
- Boyle County High School
- Boyle County High Schools
- Boyle County Kentucky
- Boyle County Public Library
- boys
- Bracken County Kentucky
- brass bands
- Brazil
- Broadway
- Broadway Baptists
- Brontosaurus
- bronze
- Brown's
- Buell Street
- buggies
- buildings
- bulletin board
- bulls
- bunnies
- Bunny Davis
- Burgin
- Burley
- buses
- businesses
- busts
- butterflies
- Cabin Creek
- caboose
- Caldwell
- Caldwell Presbyterian
- California
- Calvary
- Camarasaurus
- Cambus Kenneth
- Camels
- camps
- campus life
- campuses
- Canada
- candidates
- candy
- canes
- canvas
- capital
- capital buildings
- Carcharocles Megalodon
- cardinals
- carnivals
- carrier
- cars
- carts
- carvings
- Casey
- Casey County
- casts
- cathedrals
- Catholic
- Catholic Churches
- cats
- Cattle
- Cecil Street
- cemeteries
- Centenary
- Centre
- Centre College
- ceramics
- ceremonies
- Cervantes
- chairs
- Chamber of Commerce
- chapels
- Chaplin
- Charles Girard
- checkerboards
- Cheerleaders
- cheers
- chicory
- children
- children's
- China
- Chinese
- choir
- Choirs
- Christmas
- Church
- Church of Danville
- Church of God
- Church of God of American
- Church of the Nazarene
- Church Signs
- churches
- Cinderella
- circus
- classes
- classrooms
- cliffs
- Clock Tower
- clowns
- coaches
- Coelodonta Antiquitatis
- Coleman's
- collage
- collages
- colored pencils
- Colville Covered Bridge
- comic books
- comics
- commodore
- communities
- Community
- Confederate
- Constitution Square
- construction
- contests
- Continental Currency
- Coprolite
- corn
- Cornerstone
- Corning
- costumes
- Cottageville Kentucky
- cotton balls
- councils
- country clubs
- County
- couples
- Courthouses
- courts
- covered bridges
- Cowan
- Cows
- Crab Orchard
- crafts
- crashes
- Credit Loan
- Cretaceous
- crisis
- Crittenden
- crops
- cross country
- Crowds
- Crump
- Cub Scouts
- Currency
- dams
- dancers
- dances
- dancing
- Danville
- Danville Art Guild
- Danville City Schools
- Danville Courthouse
- Danville High School
- Danville Independent Schools
- Danville Kentucky
- Danville Schools
- Darnell
- daughters
- day cares
- daylilies
- Declaration of Independence
- dedication
- Dedications
- deer
- depots
- desks
- Devonian
- Dimetrodon limbatus
- Dinictis Felinis
- dining rooms
- dinosaurs
- displays
- districts
- Dix Dam
- doctors
- dogs
- dogwood
- Dollars
- dolls
- dolphins
- Don Montgomery
- Don Overstreet Farm
- Don Quixote
- donkeys
- doors
- Doric Lodges
- Dover Covered Bridge
- Dr. Ephraim McDowell House
- Dr. Hill
- Dragonfly
- dragons
- drama
- drawings
- drums
- Duckbills
- ducks
- Dudley Hall
- dumps
- Dunkleosteus Marsaisi
- Durham Hardware
- early 19thcentury
- earrings
- earth
- Edmontosaurus Annectens
- eggs
- Einstein
- Either Or
- Electioneering
- elections
- Elementary
- Elephant Birds
- elephants
- Elizabeth Wilkinson
- emergency rooms
- Emperor
- energy
- engine
- England
- English
- engravings
- entrances
- Eocene
- Ephraim McDowell
- equestrian
- Eryops Megacephalus
- Eurypterid
- exhibits
- exports
- exteriors
- fabric
- faces
- Falcarius Utahersis
- Falconry
- fall
- Fallsburg Kentucky
- families
- family
- farm
- Farm Bureau
- farm machinery
- Farmers Supply
- farming
- farms
- fashion
- fashion models
- fathers
- feathers
- feces
- felt
- female
- females
- femur
- ferns
- festivals
- fields
- Fiji
- Fine Octahedrite
- Fire Departments
- fireplace set
- fireplaces
- firetrucks
- first
- First Baptist
- First Post Office
- Fish
- Fisher's Row
- fishing
- flags
- flamenco
- Fleming County Kentucky
- floats
- floods
- flowers
- Floyd Divert
- Flying Reptile
- foals
- football coaches
- footballs
- footprints
- Forkland
- Forkland Community
- fossil
- fossils
- fountains
- Fourth
- fowl
- Fox Creek
- foxes
- frame
- France
- Frank Cornish
- Frankfort Kentucky
- Franklin County Kentucky
- Fraternities
- fringe
- Garrard
- Garrard County
- Garrard County Kentucky
- gas lines
- gates
- geckos
- geese
- Gem Drugstore
- generators
- Georgetown
- German
- giraffes
- Girl Scouts
- girls
- glass
- glass orbs
- globes
- Goddard-White Covered Bridge
- goddess
- Goethe
- gold
- Golden Living
- Goldsmith House
- Goniatites
- Gorgo
- Governor
- Governors
- Graduates
- Grallator track
- Grange City Kentucky
- Gravel Switch
- Gravel Switch Kentucky
- graves
- Grayson's Tavern
- Great Britain
- Grecian
- Greece
- Greek
- Greeks
- Green
- Green Street
- greenery
- Greenup County Kentucky
- groceries
- grooms
- grosbeak
- grounds
- gymnasiums
- hair wraps
- halftimes
- hamburger stand
- handprints
- hands
- hanging sculpture
- Hannigan
- Happy Chandler
- Happy Valley Show
- Harrodsburg
- harvest
- Harvest Festival
- harvesting
- hats
- hawk
- Hawks
- hay
- head covering
- head wraps
- headdresses
- headscarf
- hearts
- Hellenistic
- Henry Clay
- Henry Waters
- Herb Preston
- hibiscus
- high heels
- high jumps
- Highland Court
- hills
- Hillsboro Covered Bridge
- Hillsboro Kentucky
- Hinkston Creek
- historic
- history
- history clubs
- HMS Pinafore
- Hogsett
- Holi
- hollyhocks
- Homecoming Queens
- Homecomings
- homes
- Honor Guards
- horse
- horse farms
- Horse Trophies
- horses
- Hospital
- hot air balloons
- hotels
- house
- houses
- Hub Frankel
- Hugh Lanham
- human
- hummingbirds
- hunters
- Hustonville
- Iceland
- Ichthyosaur
- icicles
- Iguanas
- Independence day
- Independent Schools
- India
- Indian Hills
- Inez Renee Thornton
- Instruments
- interior
- iron
- Italy
- ivory
- ivy
- Jack Fish Spring Dance
- Jack McCord
- Jackson Chair
- Jackson Park
- Jacobs Hall
- james birney
- James Carrigan
- James G Birney
- Jane Austen
- January
- Japan
- Japanese
- Jehovah's Witnesses
- Jenny Lind
- Jenny Rogers
- jesters
- Jim Niekirk
- Joe Clark Jr.
- Joe Marshall
- Johanna Maria Lind
- John Christian Bullit
- John Crittenden
- John Horky
- John Ruskin
- Johnson Creek
- Johnson Creek Covered Bridge
- Jolly Believers
- Judge Boyle
- Judge Cheek
- Judge White
- Junction City
- junior varsity
- Jurassic
- Jurrasic
- Kazakhstan
- Kentucky
- Kentucky Avenue
- Kentucky Colonels
- Kentucky Pallisades
- Kentucky Poet Laureates
- Kentucky River
- Kentucky School for the Deaf
- kentucky state fair
- Kentucky State Hospital
- Kenya
- Kerr Hall
- kettle
- Key Clubs
- keys
- kids
- Killion
- Kimonos
- Kincaid
- Kincaid Home
- Kingdom Hall of Jehovah Witnesses
- Kings Mill
- kitchen
- kittens
- Knightia
- knobs
- Kreeier
- Labor day
- lace
- Lake Herrington
- Lancaster
- landmarks
- landscapes
- lanterns
- lap desks
- laptop
- lard
- Lawrence County Kentucky
- leaves
- Lee's Creek Covered Bridge
- Lewis County Kentucky
- Lexington
- Lexington Ave
- Lexington Avenue
- Liaoceratops Yanzigouensis
- Liaoxiornis Delicatus
- Library
- life
- lilies
- Lincoln
- Lincoln County
- Lincoln County Kentucky
- lions
- literature
- little leagues
- locomotives
- log cabin
- Log Court House
- Logan
- Louie B Nunn
- Louisville
- Louisville Store
- luncheons
- Lutheran
- Lytoloma Elegans
- Mackey-Hughes
- Madison
- Madonna
- magnifying glasss
- Main St
- Main Street
- Majorettes
- Majors
- male
- Mali
- Man Who Came To Dinner
- mansion
- maps
- marble
- March
- Marching Admirals
- Marching Bands
- Marco Aurelio
- Marine Reptile
- Marion County
- Marion County Kentucky
- Mary Eva's
- masks
- Mason County Kentucky
- mcdowell
- McDowell House
- McKinney
- medicines
- Medusa
- memorial
- men
- Mercer
- Mercer County
- Mercer County Kentucky
- Merycoidodon Culbertsoni
- Meteorite
- Meteorites
- Methodist
- Mexican
- Mexico
- Mickey Harmon
- Millersburg Kentucky
- Ministers
- Minor
- Minotaurasaurus Ramachaelrani
- Miocene
- mirrors
- Miss Bess Tunis
- Miss Tunis
- Mitchellsburg
- mixed media
- model airplanes
- models
- Monarchs
- money
- Monmartre
- Monticello
- moons
- mothers
- mountains
- Mr. Moe
- Mrs. Baleno
- Mrs. Gilbert
- Mt Freeman
- Mt Sterling
- Mt. Salem
- mules
- multi-cultural
- museums
- music
- Music Man
- My Fair Lady
- mythology
- myths
- National Guard Armory
- National Honors Society
- Nativity
- nature
- navy
- necklaces
- Ned Breathitt
- Nelson County Kentucky
- New Pastor
- Norman Rockwell
- nostalgia
- novelists
- nursery
- Nurses
- octopus
- oil paintings
- Old Centre
- Old Crow Inn
- Old Field's House
- Old First Presbyterian Church
- Oldham County
- Oldtown Covered Bridge covered bridges
- Oligocene
- Oliver Hazard Perry
- opening
- Opening Day
- opera
- orange
- Oreodont
- oriental
- oriental rugs
- Ornithopod
- out buildings
- Outback
- overalls
- Pages
- paintings
- Pallasite
- Palm Beach
- palms
- pants
- paper silk screen
- parachutes
- parades
- Parksville
- parrots
- pastels
- patterns
- Payne
- peach
- pearls
- Penn's Store
- Pentecostal
- people
- pep rallies
- Permian
- Perryville
- Perryville Battlefield
- Perryville KY
- Peru
- pets
- Phareodus
- Philadelphia Hall & Sellers
- Photography
- picnics
- Pine Knobs
- pink
- Pioneers
- Placenticeras
- plantation
- plants
- plaques
- plaster
- plastic
- plates
- playgrounds
- plays
- Pleasant Run
- Pleistocene
- Plesiosaurus
- Pliosauroidea
- plows
- pocket watches
- Poebrotherium
- poems
- poetry
- poets
- pole vaults
- Polk Office
- polyurethane
- pool
- pool tables
- porcelain
- portraits
- post office
- postcards
- posters
- power plants
- practices
- prehistoric
- prehistoric mammals
- Presbyterian Church
- Presbyterians
- presentations
- print shops
- printing presses
- prints
- prom Queens
- Psittacosaurus Meileyingensis
- Pterodactyls
- Pterosaur
- puppies
- pups
- putti
- Qin Shi Huang
- Queens
- races
- racquetball
- racquets
- Raptors
- reading
- readings
- Rebels
- records
- Rectorville
- recycling
- refuges
- regionals
- rehab
- rehearsals
- religious icon
- replicas
- reptiles
- reptiles Archelon
- retirements
- reunions
- Rex Edwards
- Rhamphorhynchus Gemmingi
- rhino beetles
- riders
- Ringos Mill Covered Bridge
- rivers
- Robert E Lee
- Robert Jewel
- Robertson County Kentucky
- rock fences
- Rockwell
- Rolling Fork
- Rome
- Romeo
- room
- Rosel
- roses
- rotundas
- Ruddles Mills
- rugs
- runner
- runners
- running
- Russell County
- Saber Cats
- Saber-tooth tigers
- Sallie Rodes
- Sallie Tutt
- Saltasaurus Loricatus
- Salvation Army
- Sancho Panza
- Sanctuary
- Sand Lick Creek
- Santa
- Santa Claus
- schools
- Science Fair
- scorpions
- Scouts
- screens
- scrollwork
- sculpture
- sculptures
- Sea Turtles
- second
- Second Presbyterian
- Secretaries
- senior polls
- seniors
- Shady Lane
- Shakers
- Shakertown
- Shakertown Road
- Sharks
- shell
- ships
- show
- signs
- silk
- Silliman
- Silurian
- silver
- silver spoons
- singer
- singers
- skeletons
- skulls
- sledding
- sleds
- smiling
- Smilodon
- snakes
- snow
- Snow Queens
- snowmen
- soap
- soap making
- softballs
- Somerset
- Souco Discounts
- Southern Avenue
- Southern Belle
- Sowden
- sparrows
- speech clubs
- Spillway
- spinning wheel
- spoons
- Sports
- squads
- St John
- St. Patrick
- stadiums
- stained glass
- staircases
- stairs
- stamps
- Stanford
- Stanford High School
- stars
- stars and stripes.
- state
- state song
- statues
- Steeples
- Stegosaurus Armatus
- Stenopterygius quadriscissus
- stone fences
- stores
- storm damages
- story times
- straw
- streams
- street
- Street Lights
- stripes
- stripping tobacco
- strollers
- students
- Sub-division
- suns
- sunsets
- Surefire
- surfboard
- surfing
- Susan Nimocks
- Suskityrannus Hazelae
- suspenders
- Swedish
- Swedish Nightingale
- Sweetheart Dance
- swim
- swimming pools
- swimsuits
- Switzer Covered Bridge
- sycamores
- T-Rex
- tables
- Tank Pond Road
- Tapejara Welnhoferi
- Tate
- tea parties
- Teachers
- teams
- tearing down
- Teas
- Ted Breathitt
- telegraph
- televisions
- tennis
- terra cotta
- terracotta
- Terrell
- textiles
- The Anchor
- theater
- therapy
- Theropod
- Third Street
- thistles
- Thomas Building
- Thomas Clark
- Thornton
- tiaras
- tie-dye
- tigers
- time
- tobacco
- tobacco harvest
- Toliver
- Tom Thumb
- tomatoes
- Tombstones
- Toraja house
- tortoise
- totem poles
- totems
- tournaments
- towers
- Towles
- Toy Bowls
- toys
- toys horses
- track
- track meets
- tractors
- traffic school
- train stop
- trains
- trash
- Traveler's Rest
- trees
- Triassic
- tribes
- Trinity Episcopal
- Trinity Tabernacle
- trophies
- trucks
- trumplets
- tubas
- tulips
- turbines
- turkey
- Turnpins
- turtle
- turtles
- TVs
- twirlers
- Tygarts Creek
- Tyrannosaurus Rex
- UK
- Uncle Joe
- unidentified
- uniforms
- Union
- Unions
- United Nations
- University of Kentucky
- Urban Renewal
- Vacation Bible School
- Van Gogh
- vases
- veils
- Velafrons Coahuilensis
- Venus
- Venus de' Medici
- Viaduct
- Vietnam
- vines
- violets
- violins
- volleyballs
- wagons
- Walcott covered bridge
- walking sticks
- Walnut Street
- warblers
- warriors
- Washington County Kentucky
- waste disposals
- water
- water lilies
- watercolors
- Watusi
- Wayne County
- weather
- wedding
- wedding dresses
- Weisiger Park
- wessing dresses
- West Danville
- Whale Vertebrae Fossils
- whales
- Wheeler truss bridge
- white
- White Bridge
- Wilderness Road
- wildlife
- Winners
- winter
- wolves
- Women
- women's
- wood
- wooden
- woodlawn
- woodpecker
- woods
- woodworking
- wool
- Woolly Rhinoceros
- workers
- world
- woven
- wrecks
- wrestling
- wrought-iron
- Yatesville Covered Bridge
- year
- yearbooks
- Yonkyoku byobu
- Young-Rodes
- Zuni Raptor
- Zuniceratops Christopheri